sys: system interface
This module provides a simple interface to the operating system.
exception Sys_error of string
Raised by some functions in the sys and io modules,
when the underlying system calls fail. The argument to
Sys_error is a string describing the error. The texts
of the error messages are implementation-dependent, and should
not be relied upon to catch specific system errors.
value command_line : string vect
The command line arguments given to the process.
The first element is the command name used to invoke the program.
value interactive: bool
True if we're running under the toplevel system. False if
we're running as a standalone program.
type file_perm == int
value s_irusr : file_perm
value s_iwusr : file_perm
value s_ixusr : file_perm
value s_irgrp : file_perm
value s_iwgrp : file_perm
value s_ixgrp : file_perm
value s_iroth : file_perm
value s_iwoth : file_perm
value s_ixoth : file_perm
value s_isuid : file_perm
value s_isgid : file_perm
value s_irall : file_perm
value s_iwall : file_perm
value s_ixall : file_perm
Access permissions for files. r is reading permission,
w is writing permission, x is execution permission.
usr means permissions for the user owning the file,
grp for the group owning the file, oth for others.
isuid and isgid are for set-user-id and set-group-id files,
respectively. The remaining are combinations of the permissions
type open_flag =
O_RDONLY (* open read-only *)
| O_WRONLY (* open write-only *)
| O_RDWR (* open for reading and writing *)
| O_APPEND (* open for appending *)
| O_CREAT (* create the file if nonexistent *)
| O_TRUNC (* truncate the file to 0 if it exists *)
| O_EXCL (* fails if the file exists *)
| O_BINARY (* open in binary mode *)
| O_TEXT (* open in text mode *)
The commands for open.
value exit : int -> 'a
Terminate the program and return the given status code to
the operating system.
In contrast with the function exit from module io, this
exit function does not flush the standard
output and standard error channels.
value open : string -> open_flag list -> file_perm -> int
Open a file. The second argument is the opening mode.
The third argument is the permissions to use if the file
must be created. The result is a file descriptor opened on the
value close : int -> unit
Close a file descriptor.
value remove : string -> unit
Remove the given file name from the file system.
value rename : string -> string -> unit
Rename a file. The first argument is the old name and the
second is the new name.
value getenv : string -> string
Return the value associated to a variable in the process
environment. Raise Not_found if the variable is unbound.
value chdir : string -> unit
Change the current working directory of the process.
Note that there is no easy way of getting the current
working directory from the operating system.
value system_command : string -> int
Execute the given shell command and return its exit code.
value time : unit -> float
Return the processor time, in seconds, used by the program
since the beginning of execution.
exception Break
Exception Break is raised on user interrupt if catch_break
is on.
value catch_break : bool -> unit
catch_break governs whether user interrupt terminates the program
or raises the Break exception. Call catch_break true to enable
raising Break, and catch_break false to let the system
terminate the program on user interrupt.